Friday, August 19, 2011

The New Mob

Don't let the title confuse you. There is no new crime syndicate taking over. Or is there. Throughout the summer cities across the country have been witnessing a new form of crime dubbed a flash mob.

A flash mob is a large group summoned online to one location and participating in some sort of mischievous activity. Well more than most times, these acts committed are bit further than mischievous and much more closer to nefarious. These flash mobs mainly consist of youths under the age of 18, on average.

What exactly are these mischievous and nefarious acts these teenagers are participating in? Well, so far they have ranged from looting to attacking purely random people. In one instance, 20 male teens walked into a G Star Raw store and proceeded to just take clothing and just walk out. Now there have been incidents occurring all year. However, more recently in Germantown, Maryland a 7-Eleven convenience store was ransacked by a flash mob of teens and ran out with hundreds worth of merchandise. What particularly strikes me about this incident is not the actual act, convenience stores have been getting robbed for as long as they've been around. But the admitting, by a police spokesperson that, yes, cops are actually pretty fucking slow(as in having a low intellect) is hilarious. "We had always thought flash mobs happen in big cities. We are unprepared. We don't have anyone who has social-media expertise," was told to reporters by Janie Smith, county of Montgomery police spokeswoman in Maryland.

The first thing I did was laugh when I read this, as I'm sure you did. Now I don't agree with flash mobs, I, personally, think that they're pretty fucked up. And stopping them isn't going to happen anytime soon. But the police are not supposed to say that they don't have enough expertise to truly fight back. Now these kids are about to probably take it up a notch. Aforementioned, they form on the internet, or through texting, so they possibly have read the same articles as I have. It doesn't even matter if surveillance cameras are used, because who the hell is going to catch 40 kids, really? But they'll eventually slow it down when they run up on the person that responds to them in a way they weren't prepared to handle. Basically, the cops won't have anything to do with the declining of this new form of crime. A person is going to end up killing one of these young cats and that'll probably slow it up a but, in that city at least.

1 comment:

  1. Really this is merely a fraction of organized anarchy in the world. Before its all over more innovative ways will be constructed to add rio the underlying problem- the economy and parental responsibility. These kids are just regurgitating what they see at home. want to see this decrease? Do your part in raising your family.
