Friday, July 15, 2011

How the times have changed.....

What is the world coming to? I never thought, especially being under 30, that I would ask myself this question. But after being introduced to this new craze called planking I had no choice. I mean really what the fuck is the world coming to?

Planking is described as a game in which some moron, or someone deciding to masquerade as moron for a day, lies face down with their hands at their sides imitating a wooden plank in a public place. Apparently the more public the place, for the dumb asses participating to be seen, is the key. If this is not the epitome of the word pointless, someone please tell me what is. However, the fact that it's the most pointless shit I have ever heard isn't what perplexes me the most. The documentation of the injuries people have received doing this inane activity, is what I'm not getting. How in the fuck does one get injured lying perfectly still, in a public place? And it's self-inflicted at that. You broke your own chin because you thought it was cool to try and lay still on your sink and stove. Now don't get it twisted, please keep doing this because people hurting themselves planking(excluding the guy that died, I do have somewhat of a heart and just because someone died doesn't mean I can't say they weren't smart and that shit was dumb) is pure comedy.

The game has been around for quite some time. But obviously if there is "right" way to do it, people aren't practicing it. However, just because those back then who planked "correctly" were not safe from negative outcomes. A group of people got fired after being found planking on the job. Yes, these people literally were fired for lying perfectly still, it doesn't really help that they were doctors and nurses. It doesn't stop there. Evidently, comedian, Tom Green has made it a point to stake the claim that he invented planking. Why someone wants to credit themselves as having come up with arguably the most idiotic thing since the Pet Rock, frankly is fucking retarded. Now, I'm not saying he didn't, nor would I care if he did, but who really wants to be responsible for bringing such a thing into existence. 

At the end of the day, people finding ways to make lying down dangerous and it becomes a certified world-wide craze, really makes wonder the times we're living in. So please don't go out and lose more than your dignity by planking(i.e. your job, your chin, your life, etc.), and to those that plank......"I feel sorry for your mother."

And if you haven't seen the chin accident was recorded:


  1. I had to comment on this for two reasons: 1)I also have difficulty finding the appeal in this fade, and why people think it is such a hilarious thing to do and 2) that second pic you have up there is of my bro and his friends in the kitchen planking! HILARIOUS! Young people these days...SMDH...MEL

  2. Glad u feel me on planking being quite the moronic activity...sorry it was your bro I went in on. But someone had to say something.
